
Weight Loss Success

with Susan Call Hutchison


Comfort Food

Mitzi’s Brownies vs. Sue’s Diet: Marty, Help Me Out, Here

Yesterday was Day 12 of my 21-Day Weight Loss Challenge.

Yesterday was also Day 1 of our Family Reunion.

And Mitzi’s gloriously gooey brownies were a new test of that food-equals-celebration philosophy I’ve been trying to shake.

Fortunately, as Collin was passing around the goodies last night, Marty spoke up and said, “I’ve got cucumbers ready from my garden. I’ll bring some tomorrow.”   Thank you, Sis.


Collin knew, though, that I was going to say, “No thank you.”   He just has enough faith in me–and respect for me–that he offered me the choice.

And that’s the way it’s going to be.

The world isn’t going to change.

It’s still going to be offering raspberry cheesecake while I’m shopping for artichokes.

The baked potato loaded with butter, sour cream, bacon, and cheese will still be on the menu at the restaurant with the lean steak and salad bar.

Even Subway, where I can pile veggies on lean meat to my heart’s content will also be offering fresh baked rolls, bags of chips, bottles of soda and cookies…white chocolate, macadamia nut cookies.

There will always be a choice.

Thank goodness for fresh fruits and vegetables.

And thank goodness that I really DO love cucumbers.


[Note:  At the time I wrote this post, I was not affiliated with Beachbody, except as a full-paying customer.]  

I Stopped Eating in Response to Stress

Wednesday was Day Ten of my 21-Day Weight-loss Challenge.

I didn’t blog about day 10 yesterday–some stress in the house.

Don’t worry, Dad’s okay.  But he needed some extra looking after last night, that involved staying up with him until past 2:00 a.m.

It was a great time to observe that some thought patterns kicked in, but I didn’t let my behavior follow.

Waiting for the home health nurse, I wanted the “comfort” of food.

The same old cookies that I had self-righteously avoided for ten days had a new appeal.

Wasn’t this an exception?  Didn’t I need a little boost to my morale as I fretted over my Dad?

No.  I didn’t buy it. 

I needed the boost to my morale that comes from sticking to my promises to myself.

It’s hard enough staying cheerful all day as a full-time care giver for a 90 year old parent with chronic medical conditions.

It’s even harder to remain upbeat at midnight, after he’s called me into his room and explained why we’d better call the home health nurse.

I prefer to feel good about my life. 

And if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last ten days, it’s that I like myself better when I can look myself in the mirror and say I’ve honestly done my best today.

That’s a lot more comforting than a cookie.


[Note:  At the time I wrote this post, I was not affiliated with Beachbody, except as a full paying customer.]

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