
Weight Loss Success

with Susan Call Hutchison


Enjoying Food

A Trip to Our Farmer’s Market Felt Like a Holiday

Yesterday was Day 19 of my 21 Day Challenge!

Farmer's Market

And today was Farmer’s Market.

You know how it feels when you’ve just cleaned house, put fresh sheets on the beds, maybe set out a vase of flowers or even decorated for a holiday?

That’s the feeling I had this morning as I brought vegetables and berries home from the farmer’s market.  I set them on the counter, in front of the fruit we bought yesterday at the grocery store.

My house felt clean.  It didn’t hurt that everything I got at the market was grown by good friends who live less than three miles away from our house.  It felt a little like a celebration of life and health.

This is the last weekend of the challenge.

Monday, I weigh in again, and take my “after” pictures.  I’ll evaluate the program and write up my conclusions.But I think by now, it’s pretty clear where this is headed.

I think I’ll call my new blog, “My Weight Loss Success.”


Was Sugar Strangling My Taste Buds?

Yesterday was Day 17 of my Weight Loss Challenge.


One of the best things about being off sugar for 17 days is that food I thought I “didn’t like” has become delicious to me.

It’s like something has been “reset” in my perception of taste.

I used to turn up my nose at blueberries.  I love raspberries, blackberries and strawberries.  But blueberries, not so much, before now.

But these beauties were on sale for half the price of raspberries, so I gave them a try.

This picture is a purple container portion of blueberries over a red container portion of non-fat yogurt (which I have always loved.)

So delicious.  Not because it’s sweet, but because it tastes good.

Maybe my body is enjoying what it needs! 

It seems like my body was craving sugar before, because it knew it needed something, so I interpreted it as needing the one thing that I knew gave me an emotional boost.

But cocaine, for goodness sake, would give me an emotional boost.  That doesn’t mean my body needs it.

And now that the sugar craving machine has been turned off, I am enjoying the taste of food more.

And finding out that I really do like nourishing food.


[Note:  At the time I wrote this post, I was not affiliated with Beachbody, except as a full-paying customer.]

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